Akachukwu Mba, who uses the name 'Barrister Mbaka’ was arrested at Ohuru Isimiri Police Division, Abia State, when he posed as a lawyer to release a suspect in a matter undergoing investigation, Vanguardngr reports.
Some fake counterfeit currency papers in N1, 000 and N500 denominations were also found with him. During interrogation, he said: “I’m not a lawyer, but I work in a lawyer’s office. For a long time, I have been going from one Police Station to the other to bail suspects.
I charge between N5,000 and N10,000 to bail a suspect depending on the weight of the offence. I collect my share and settle the Police. The lawyer I work for at Howell Crescent, Aba, doesn’t pay me. This is why I am engaged in these acts to help myself."