D one beside the driver said allow her to lay down on d floor..... Dey drag me flat on d floor... He collected my bag Started asking question WHR do u work, I said I am student whc sch, whc course, wht level my name my state....I keep answering d question....he picked my ATM he asked 4 my pin I told him he gave it to one of dem and they dropped him...
I started crying if this is actually my end, are they going to use me, are they going going to kill me so many things started coming in to my mind, I remembered my mum & my siblings d 27years ago story DAT can't be forgotten in my family...
I keep begging dem not to hurt me d man in front, said if they found so so amount in my acct they won't hurt me but if I give dem wrong pin or no money in my acct they will call my family or they will rape me till I lose my last breathe, I started praying silently calling 4 mercy they were 8 guys......one was busy touching my breast one hooked my neck down one used his legs to pin my legs 2gether I keep crying calling God to save me....
Next thing d guy dat dropped called dem and d one in d front pass smthin to d one at d bk they told me to close my eyes but I didn't said to my self if am going to die am going to open my eyes and see everything.....next thing it was pepper he put pepper in my two eyes my breast and he was trying to open my trouser zip but he couldn't I was screeming I can't see,was trying guiding my eyes not to put more pepper trying holding my jeans not to put pepper in my virgina thinking of dey still want to rape me after all they collected from me my phones, powerbk my sis money in my bag and d change I Hv dere too they packed everything and dropped me on d floor at cooker going to oshodi and left till now am still not my self Hv never be handle like dat in my life (june14)my terrible day I just want to close my eyes and 4get everything but I can't, it keeps playing on my head and is hurting me more hmmmmmmmmm Thank God for saving my life."