"5 Ways To Prevent Pregnancy Without Using C ondoms" [MUST READ]


To prevent pregnancy naturally without a co ndom, one thing you can do is to get a copper T. Women who want to prolong motherhood and enjoy their sex lives can turn to this method.
However, there are possible chances that you will not be able to conceive. The other possible way to prevent pregnancy without a condom is to for the woman to consume the pill. Here again, the side effects are in number and one should consume the pill often.
More than this, there are other possible ways to prevent pregnancy naturally without a condom.
Take a look at these simple tips to avoid pregnancy:
***The Safe Week***
The pull and pray method or withdrawal method is also followed by a lot of couples.
However, it is not completely safe. But, according to experts, this pull and pray method is about 83 percent effective, just equivalent to a condom which is said to be 84 percent safe to prevent pregnancy.
You can prevent an unwanted pregnancy with:
Total Abstinence
Use of contraceptives
If you are sexually active and do not want to get pregnant, always use contraception.
Methods of Contraception:
No method of contraception gives 100% protection.
The male latex condom is the only contraceptive method considered highly effective in reducing the risk of sexually transmitted diseases (STD’s). Birth control pills, Implant and IUDs do not protect against STD infection.
For the Woman
DEPO-PROVERA is a hormonal contraceptive injected into a muscle on the arm or buttock every three months. The injection must be repeated every 3 months. The menstruation can become irregular and sometimes even absent.
FEMALE STERILIZATION is done surgically. The tubes are ligated, preventing the egg-cells from encountering the sperm cells and preventing any future pregnancies. It is a permanent form of contraception.

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