"OMG!! Man loses family and lives in isolation for 10 years after incorrect HIV diagnosis"


A farmer who lost his home, his friends and family and was forced to live in complete isolation after being diagnosed with HIV has now been told he never had the disease. 
Yang Shoufa, 40, was diagnosed with the incurable illness in 2004 and was put on strong doses of antiretroviral drugs.

Yang, who lives in Central China's Henan province, lost his job after the heavy dosage started affecting his health.

His wife and children then left him and others in his village began laughing at him.For a decade he lived in complete isolation. His house has slowly fallen down around him, leaving him homeless.
He told China Daily : "I did think of committing suicide. "To live through each day was a torture. I had no idea which day would be my last day." 

He had no idea how he had contracted the disease, but thought he might have been contaminated when he donated his blood in 1992. In 2012, he fell ill and was hospitalized. 

This time, his medical report came back saying, "HIV negative."This is impossible," said Yang when he was informed of the news. Now the Health Bureau of Zhenping county are saying they are comparing the DNA from the two samples taken in 2003 and 2012.
If they don't match an investigation will be launched.

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