"Mango fights cancer! Check out 5 Health benefits of Mango fruit"


Mangoes are now in season and it’s one of my favorite fruits because of its sweetness. I could literally eat a bowl-full of them! (yes, it’s that deep). Mangoes also have a lot of health benefits which should not be ignored, and can be derived by consuming in its original form, in juice form or even as a smoothie.


1. Mangoes fight cancer: Mangoes contain antioxidants such as quercertin, astragalin, andgalic acid that protect the body against breast cancer, leukemia, prostate cancer.
2. Natural Skin Cleanser: This juicy fruit is used to clear skin with clogged pores.
3. Mangoes help in digestion: If you ever have any constipation issues, try out some ripe mangoes for easy digestion because mangoes contain enzymes and fiber that break down protein and speed up digestion processes.
4. Rich in vitamin A: Mangoes are a great source for Vitamin A, which we know is needed for great sight and preventing night blindness. According to Health Impact News, “One cup of sliced mangoes is equals 25% intake of your daily need ofVitamin A.”
5. Maintains Cholesterol level: It also has high levels of Vitamin C, pectin and fibers that help to lower serum cholesterol levels. Fresh mango is a rich source of potassium, which is an important component of cell and body fluids that helps to control heart rate and blood pressure.
                           Health Benefits Of Mango

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