"Hilarious!! Donkeys ordered to always wear pampers in Kenya"


In Wajir, Kenya, donkeys have been banned from entering the town unless they wear nappies. The rule is to protect the town's newly laid tarmac road, which is the only tarred road in the town. .

A letter told donkey-cart owners they must manage their animal's faeces "to avoid poop all over the tarmac road creating nuisance". The authorities in Wajir, are said to be keen on protecting the road after waiting decades for such development.

The new road was built last year and is 27km long. The nappy notice was issued on Monday and came into affect on Thursday. The order reads: "The county government appreciates the contribution of the donkey-cart operators to the economy of Wajir.

However the town must be kept clean at all times. In view of the above you are directed to manage your donkey poop (faeces).

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