The most common and most painful issues which have the slightest inclination to breaking relationships apart is not far from the men cheating on their women.

Although, many would say that the girls cheat too, of course they do too but it happens to be an inevitable tendency mostly in men. The most painful part is that most guys do it proudly openly while the girls if need be, would do it in a hidden way with their subconscious rebuking them. Let’s see the top reasons why men cheat: 

1. To boost his ego: Infidelity is an ego boost for a man with low self esteem – especially if he’s less successful or earns less money than his partner. 

2. To end the relationship: Sometime a cheating man will have what is called an exit affair because he wants to end the marriage or relationship. Instead of manning up and telling you it’s over, he takes the coward’s way out, knowing that if you catch him cheating, you’ll leave him or kick him out thereby giving him a quick ticket to leave.

3. To see what it’s like to have sex with someone else. Men who married young, or had limited sex experience before settling down, may cheat to see what they might have missed. 

4. A Sense of Entitlement: Many men feel they’re so rich, famous, handsome, sexy, charming or they have all it takes to attract any girl and besides, every girl wants to be with them, so, they are entitled to cheat because of who they are. 

5. To prove his manhood: Some men think that the more women they have sex with, the more manly they are. They think cheating is a macho thing to do. 

6. Love: Some men cheat because they’re really in love with the other woman. It may have started out as a cyber affair, or an innocent friendship that became an emotional affair, which progressed to sexual infidelity. 

7. The influence of drugs or alcohol: A great deal of infidelity can be attributed to the influence drugs or alcohol, which can lower inhibitions, and impair good judgment, resulting in behavior the cheater may later regret. 

8. Revenge: Though revenge cheating is more with women than with men, sometimes a man will cheat to get back a wife or girlfriend who cheated on him… the most painful is doing it with her friend or someone she always disliked. 

9. Not Good Enough on Bed: Many women are simply not good enough in bed to keep their partner sexually happy, excited and satisfied. They don’t know what they are doing with their bodies, hands and mouth. Few men will stick around and appreciate a woman who is a mediocre sex partner. 

10. She is being too jealous: Because of this, she is not giving him breathing space. No guy wants this. When this happens, he may begin to avoid her.

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