The breast is a physical feature used to identify the women. It is the tissue overlying the pectoral muscles. The breasts contain specialized tissues; there is the glandular tissue for milk production and the fatty tissue. 

The amount of fat contained in the breasts is relative to the fat contained in them. This means that the size of the breast depends on the amount of the fat present. Milk from the breast passes through the milk ducts; the ducts connect and form larger ducts which could be seen around the nipple. 

The dark area of skin surrounding the nipple is the areola. The breasts get its shape from the connective tissue and ligaments which provide support to the shape. As much as women love to keep this part of them attractive at all times, it is depressing to know that nature and perhaps age doesn’t help this part of them stay in shape. Having full and firm breasts is something every woman love to have. Having firm breast makes women confident; it also makes them more attractive to the men. In spite of all these, a woman’s breast would sag inevitably. There are however, some factors that hasten the sagging of a woman’s breast. 

Some of the things that could cause a woman’s breasts to sag are:

1. Weight gain and loss

Amazingly, going through the same routine exercise may not have as much effect on a woman’s breasts as much as weight gain and loss would. Adding weight and losing it slackens the breast tissues. Although most women avoid breastfeeding in order for their breasts not to sag, breastfeeding is not a direct cause of sagging breasts. The breasts expand during pregnancy; breastfeeding has little or no impact on this.

2. Wrong bra 

Wearing the wrong bra or a bra that doesn’t support the size of the breasts is highly detrimental. A woman doesn’t look smart with the wrong bra size. Also it doesn’t give the breast the padding and cushioning it needs to keep firm. A woman with large breasts needs a firm bra to anchor the weight of the breasts. Failure to do so makes the breasts sag. Thus, firm bras should be worn at all times. Women should learn to know their correct bra sizes and change them when they are worn out.

3. Smoking 

While most advert or jingles about cigarettes stresses that it is dangerous and smokers are liable to die young, smoking also affects the breast and causes them to sag over time. It destroys elastin, the protein that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. Lower levels of elastin makes the breasts sag. Avoid smoking in order to prevent this.

4. Exposure to sun 

The sun can cause premature aging and unwanted sagging of the breasts with frequent exposure to it. This could be reduced by using sunscreen. The breasts should be cared for and protected at all times. Wearing protective clothing also minimizes the effect of the sun on the breasts.

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