"Please I need to know before I make a mistake ; My boyfriend is very short"

My boyfriend is very short and I'm tall, I agreed to date him because all the tall guys seem to be heart breakers, and I was tired of being used and dumped. My boyfriend was so nice and kind so I looked beyond his height and decided to date him. He proposed to be few days back but gave me some conditions that I will stop wearing high heels, strictly flat shoes while he knows I love heels. We fought about it but he stood his ground.
I also noticed that he is always aggressive and arrogant, every little thing he is jumping around like foot ball, and it could be very annoying. The one that happened yesterday was when we were going out and I wore heels, to my surprise this man jumped up and slapped me, calling me a disobedient woman.
I did not know if I should slap him in return as I looked at him on the ground, so I walked away . We have not spoken since then.
Please do u all think he is a violent man?
I heard short people are aggressive. Will his height be an issue in our marriage?
Please I need to know before I make a mistake.

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