This is one reason why the majority of the world refers to soccer as the beautiful game.
After a photo of a young boy wearing a Messi jersey went viral, it did not take long to discover who the good spirited kid was. And now, it seems that the 5-year-old Murtaza Ahmadi, from the southern region of Afghanistan, is about to meet his idol, Lionel Messi.
According to reports from the Argentinean website TYC, a meeting between the internet star and the soccer star is currently in the works. Messi's camp has allegedly reached out to Murtaza and his family to set up a meeting date.
Now that is just out of this world.
The Afghan Football Federation has also been contacted by Messi regarding the encounter. Syed Ali Kazemi, a spokesmen of the Federation confirmed, "The leadership of the AFF received emails from Lionel Messi and Barcelona regarding the meeting."
What a fantastic and noble gesture by Messi. He is about to make a little boy's dream come true. A boy that received a home-made jersey from his family, who plays soccer with a volleyball, and who defends his admiration for the Barcelona star against his brothers, who love Cristiano Ronaldo.
This is what soccer is all about.