Islamic State has released more pictures of its atrocities in Syria. Members of the terror group are seen ready to decapitate one man with a sword, and cut off the hand of another. The terror group remains firmly in control of swathes of territory in Iraq and Syria. The so-called Islamic State terror group has released new pictures of its atrocities in Syria and Iraq, depicting a man about to be decapitated with a huge scimitar. These chilling pictures appear to show the captive being executed in the terror group’s Syrian capital of Raqqa in front of dozens of onlookers and even young children.
As the suspect is held down by a balaclava-clad militant, another masked fighter stands over him with a scimitar poised above his neck. In other pictures that emerged online today, another suspect is seen having his hand chopped off with a meat cleaver after being accused of theft. The sentencing, also believed to have been held in Raqqa, is the latest in a string of sickening amputations carried out by ISIS over the last two years.
Previous photographs taken in the Iraqi stronghold of Mosul showed in shocking detail how they pump their victims full of drugs before using a massive meat cleaver to cut off their hands. It means the victim is calm prior to, during and immediately after such butchery. Two years ago, ISIS released a document on social media explaining the rules of its penal code, which is being brutally enforced across ISIS-held territory in Syria and Iraq.
Entitled ‘Clarification [regarding] the Hudud’, the document contains a list of the punishments handed out for crimes committed in the Islamic State, in accordance with the extremist group’s radical interpretation of Shariah law. All punishments are carried out after a ‘trial’ at an Islamic State court. After the sentencing, the prisoner is taken into the center of the town or city.
Men and young boys of all ages are actively encouraged to gather and watch the punishments. An ISIS fighter then reads out the charges found against the victim before the punishment is carried out. All forms of blasphemy are punished by execution, even if the accuser chooses to repent of their sins. Likewise, committing murder, spying, apostasy or sodomy is punished by immediate death. Thieves have a hand cut off, although it is unclear whether the victim can choose which one is removed. The punishment is meted out so that members of the public can identify the victim’s past crime.